Medical Resource Scheduling

Technology used in this demo is the same as that in the Doom3/Minecraft integration video, but instead links Care Planners, Operation Resources and Google Calendar:
  • Interoperability: support for heterogeneous components (different OSes, SDKs, networks, ...)
  • Scalable:
    • decentralized architecture
    • network architecture allows parties to directly connect
    • possible to divide architecture into regions and shards for load balancing
  • Dynamic architecture: possible to easily add, remove and update components
  • Fault Tolerance:
    • multiple running components to provide redundancy against failures
    • detect failed components without impact to existing system
    • possible to have redundant connections between systems
  • Security and Privacy: has been considered during design

As an example: other software packages might offer resource scheduling, but only if all components (clients/servers) execute their platform. The power of the above demo is that components can connect to other heterogeneous components *without* having to implement a pre-defined SDK.This means that hospitals running monolithic software platforms can still connect with doctors running specialized software from various SMEs. Also hospitals running competing software platforms can still communicate to schedule resources.

Unfortunately, I think there is a small sync problem between the audio and video, but I don't think it affects the message of the content.

All patient names generated by:


  • 06/2018 to 04/2019

This video demonstrates the integration of highly disparate systems for the medical field. Each CarePlanner and Op can be on a different platform programmed in a different language, but still would be able to negotiate the scheduling of medical resources. The purpose the technology is to allow diverse parties to communicate without the need for a standard.